I have not been blogging for a while, but as the season turns, I feel the urge to pick up some long neglected threads. One of them is this blog.
Meanwhile, the ol' homestead is limping along. We wintered over only a handful of laying hens, TWO of whom gifted me with eggs this morning. They must have felt the change in the energy 'cause through the winter I had found only one per day, at most. The poultry freezer is still mostly full --including most of the fowl I harvested for Thanksgiving. I posted Tom the turkey to offer him to someone for eating or breeding and he as gone off to be a yard ornament/pet. As much as I love turkeys, I think I will stick to chickens and add ducks back into the mix. Khaki Campbells are my breed and I will soon be looking for some, hopefully locally. I really miss having a couple of goats (can't have just one!) but not sure if I have the energy to milk twice a day any longer, or to move electric fence in the warm months.
Seed starting season is at hand and actually I *should* be making soil blocks and seeding onions today, but I had not been planning to plant any this year. But I put an order in to Johnny's for storage onions and, for TG, some scallions. I have never had luck with them direct seeded. This year I seeded them into the little soil blocks as well. Johnny's orders are always the fastest to arrive of the local seed companies I patronize so hopefully starting will not be delayed much. We still have a lot of veg in the freezer too. Getting used to the reduced food requirements now that we both seem to be eating like old people is, I think, even harder than when I went from cooking for a family of 7 plus add-ons to just me.
use up the yarn I make! I do not want to sell yarn, even if I were to label myself as the "rustic, backwoods spinner." I am self-taught and do not care to try to make my yarn resemble the stuff from the store, even remotely. I love texture... visual and physical... as evidenced by the hat I knitted myself this winter.