Friday, March 31, 2023

Of This and That on the Last Day of March

garden, end of March, 2023

I am considering March to be "going out like a lamb" if a lamb can be considered to have a high temperature of 45 F under this morning's bright sunny skies. The weather guessers are predicting another inch or so of white fluff in the forecast for "today" and the sky is therefore supposed to cloud up as the day progressed, but in their estimation, the snow (again, supposed to turn to rain later) is not expected until after dark, so I will take the liberty of not counting it for the lamb/lion dichotomy. 

Today is Frigga's day and should be focused on fiber things, as it will be in part. I have been struggling to start the knitted owl pattern and will start again today, starting over after posting the link and seeing they call it a "tutorial." Hoping it is not a video because I do not learn easily from them, but whatever. I always struggle with starting "in the round" projects with just a few stitches. Like socks, toe up. Like this little owl, 9 stitches and "magic loop" it. As a witch, the so called magic loop should not be an issue, dammit. But it is. LOL And after one round of knitting they call for "knit front and back." yeah, of course they do. Hopefully the link and Frigga will help. 

But Frigga is also a hearth Goddess and today I shall also invoke her in that capacity, as I start another batch of "5 Minute Artisan Bread." I will use the first bit tomorrow, making a small loaf to eat with split pea soup which will cook in one of my crock pots all day, alongside some chicken which will get turned into chicken and dumplings Sunday, I am glad I have two smaller and one larger slow cooker, as I will be spending part of Sunday making a basket with a local friend.

Along with the knitting and bread making, hopefully I will get to tackle my in-process sewing, a winter nightgown, before it's time to stop thinking "flannel" and begin thinking cotton or linen. Up here in the Northlands, though, that will be a few months, for sure. I know some cold-blooded friends who leave their flannel sheets on year round, though, but I am not privy to what they wear once under cover. Probably a good thing, eh?

no bulbs showing yet
fowl yard today
But the chickens are waiting and I want to check out the (badly overgrown) flowering bulb bed, so I better get at it.

And as an afterthought, just because the Internet could use another cat photo, I think this is our Smoke, bathing in a box by my desk yesterday. There is, indeed, an entire cat there.

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