Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Not much to see (yet) but ... things are growing!

 Look at my annual garden and the perennial plants and if you are not as familiar with them as I am, you will probably notice nothing. Most of my work this past few days has been unremarkable... getting ready to lay cardboard and mulch against weeds, pruning back vines and bines and hauling the prunings into a stash area from which I can pick and choose basket making materials next week, when it rains.

The few crocus are finally blooming and I see tulips coming up, but they are few and in an odd place. But little by little, things are moving forward here.

1. vine 2. bine

Plant factoid of the day: Vines climb and support themselves by using tendrils that reach out from the opposite side of a leaf at a node. Bines (think of the word "bind") twine their whole stems around whatever they are climbing on, and even around their own stems if they reach out and find one or more before they find something else to cling to.

In the annual garden, the garlic is up and tiny onion seedlings have been planted. They do not show in pictures yet, but let the wet spring days give way to a few warmer sunnier ones and they will show that they are holding their own. Peas are just beginning to peek through the earth in places and today, May 2, I planted the second round. 

Most of the lettuce seedlings did not survive this year. Shit happens. But I have seeded some directly into the garden, trans planted the 5 or so that I could and started more inside. Never give up.

My healthy transplanted cabbage seedlings make me look like I know what I am doing  but of course I did not get pictures of them. LOL  

I believe the last round of indoor seedlings was started today... mostly winter squash and some melons. I need to pick up a short season watermelon seed in town this week and I think I can call it done.

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